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You can use this super-compact stereo headphone amplifier with practically any headphones - four of them at the same time, to be exact! Let up to 4 different people in your studio listen to the main mix while recording, and each listener can determine their own volume level using the dedicated output level controls. The HA400 contains 4 high-power stereo amplifiers that maintain the highest sonic quality even at maximum volume levels. Ultra low-noise 4580 operational amplifiers are included for outstanding audio performance - these are the same op amps found in "full-size" audio equipment - plus, a DC 12-Volt adapter is included.
- 4 headphone output channels and 1 input channel. Volume of each output channel can be controlled independently.
- Provides highest audio quality for each headphone even at maximum volume.
- Ultra low noise 4580 operational amplifier for outstanding audio performance.
- compact stereo headphone amplifier for studio and stage application.
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