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Feature: 4 digits Large LCD display
C/ F selectable
Low battery indication
Data Hold
Auto power-off
Maximum (MAX), Minimum (MIN) and Average Temperature Measurement (AVG)
2 channel temperature measurement (T1 & T2)
Differential Temperature Measurement (T1 - T2)
Temperature range: -200 ~ 1370 C /-328 ~ 2498 F
Accuracy: ?(1%+1C );?(1%+2F )
Resolution:0.1 C & 0.1 F
Type of temperature measuring: K Type
Sampling rate: 2.5times per second
- Professional Digital Thermometer with K-type thermocouple probe for high temperature measurement.
- 3 Temperature measurement type to choose from i.e. C/F/K.
- High temperature range measuring -200°C to 1370°C
- Sampling rate is 2.5/sec.
- Low battery indicator with auto-shut feature.
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